bull terriers

美 [bʊl ˈtɛriərz]英 [bʊl ˈtɛrɪəz]
  • n.斗牛㹴狗(毛短脖子粗、身体壮实)
  • bull terrier的复数
bull terriersbull terriers

bull terriers


  • 1
    N-COUNT 斗牛犭更狗(身体强壮、短毛粗颈的白色犬)
    A bull terrier is a breed of strong dog with a short, whitish coat and a thick neck.

    See also:pit bull terrier

  1. At present the lord of my affections is one of these bull terriers .


  2. However , in2002 her mother was fined $ 500 after admitting one of her English bull terriers , named dotty , had attacked two children .


  3. The breed responsible for the most attacks on those staff specifically are German Shepherds , followed by Staffordshire Bull Terriers , Border Collies and Labradors .


  4. I have had many dog friends & huge mastiffs , soft-eyed spaniels , wood-wise setters and honest , homely bull terriers .


  5. I have had many dog friends - huge mastiffs , soft-eyed spaniels , wood-wise setters and honest , homely bull terriers .
